A Hawaiian anthem

The musical composition “All Hawai`i Stand Together” by Liko Martin captured the hearts of Hawaiian patriots everywhere back in the 1980’s. This music video features the wahine of the Wai`anae coast and others performing the song. Its popularity was due, in part, to the efforts of Kamakahukilani VonOelhoffen, who could be counted on, at countless rallies and events, to lead everyone in the song, accompanying with her autoharp. The song continues to be an anthem for the independence and sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom — which still exists. The ancestors said “no” to annexation of Hawai`i to the U.S. and we continue to say “no” to the illegal occupation.

The ancestors said “No”

The subject of the1897 petition against annexation to the U.S. has been recently raised on the Senate floor by Brian Schatz. This week’s featured video gives an in-depth look at this historic event. The Senator needs to tell the full story.

Mauna Kea – still under siege

With this week’s featured video, we honor the efforts of the Mauna Kea warriors who have filed a notice to appeal the recent Board of Land & Natural Resources’ decision to allow further desecration and development on Mauna Kea.

A Nuclear Free & Independent Pacific

People are concerned about North Korean nukes hitting the Pacific, but we forget the Pacific for many years was devastated by nuclear explosions carried out by the U.S., France and Britain. In some cases, islands were blown off the face of the map. This week’s featured video is a trailer from a program we produced back in 1983, documenting the first Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific conference.

Physicians against nuclear war

This week’s featured video was made in 1982 when physicians from around the world got together to demand the elimination of nuclear weapons. PUHIPAU means “blown away, completely burned.” The word aptly describes this sobering look at the medical and social effects of a theoretical nuclear attack on Hawai‘i. Remember Pearl Harbor? With North Korea’s recent threats, the U.S. military’s presence here makes Hawai‘i once again a target.

Order “Puhipau” on DVD.

Lopaka Brown in court

Lopaka Brown will be in court this Friday challenging the jurisdiction of the state government. If you want to join him in support, be at traffic court, Room 4 of the Alakea Street court building, this Friday at 1:30 pm. He considers this a journey back to his beloved Hawaiian Kingdom and, ultimately, his home at Waimea Valley, where he sang the song “No Tell Me Go” back in 1984, a few months before he and his family were evicted from their homestead by Waimea Falls Park.

No Nukes!

This week’s featured video was made in 1982 when physicians from around the world got together to demand the elimination of nuclear weapons. PUHIPAU means “blown away, completely burned.” The word aptly describes this sobering look at the medical and social effects of a theoretical nuclear attack on Hawai‘i. Remember Pearl Harbor? With North Korea’s recent threats, the U.S. military’s presence here makes Hawai‘i once again a target.

Independence & Sovereignty

This week we are featuring Peter Kealoha singing “Independence & Sovereignty” at a Nov. 30, 1985 conference on Hawaiian independence. The music video features artwork by Imaikalani Kalahele, Alapai Hanapi, Alva Andrews and Charles Mauna Kaohu.

Independence & Sovereignty

This week we are featuring Peter Kealoha singing “Independence & Sovereignty” at a Nov. 30, 1985 conference on Hawaiian independence. The music video features artwork by Imaikalani Kalahele, Alapai Hanapi, Alva Andrews and Charles Mauna Kaohu.