History re-told

At this time of year, we recall the events of January, 1893, when cataclysmic change overtook the Hawaiian Kingdom. We are featuring a new series on our YouTube channel entitled “The Hawaiian Kingdom Exists.” Featured here on our home page is the first segment, telling you everything you need to know about the so-called overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom government. See our other segments, including a beautiful hula performed in honor of Queen Lili’uokalani, at www.youtube.com/HawaiianVoice.

What’s New

This week’s featured video comes from our archives. Students at Ke’anae, Maui captured beloved kupuna Mary Ann Pahukoa on tape in 1976. This program played on public access back then, but languished on our shelves for the next 36 years. The piece was digitized as part of a pilot project conducted by ‘Ulu’ulu – The Henry Ku’ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive. We recently remastered it and present it here for your enjoyment.

Stay tuned for more archival footage and programs. You can support our archiving efforts by purchasing our DVDs.