Kula Kaiapuni Rally

Speeches and music by Hawaiian language scholars, teachers and students at a rally to lobby for government funding of Hawaiian language immersion schools (kula kaiapuni).

Attended by young children from the Pūnana Leo (language nests) pre-schools and elementary school immersion sites. Recorded on location at the capitol in Honolulu.
Elizabeth Kauahipaula
Kaumealani Walk
Makalapua (Kaawa) Alencastre
Mike Kaawa
Carlos Andrade
Steve Maii
Noeau Warner
Karen Watson-Gegeo
Oswald Stender
Tom Maunupau
Lilikala Kame‘eleihiwa
Lilia Hale
Rod Tam
Length: 38 minutes
Hawai‘i public access channels

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Price: from $25.00

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